Hello all you Dashers
Time flies ! Almost time to get ready for registration. Please note that this coming Monday, 4 June 2018 at 10h00 registration will open for all the Solo riders.
To familiarize yourselves with the registration procedure kindly visit our Official website for more information.
The following Monday will be for 2 person teams and then the Monday following (18th of June) the sought after 4 person slots will be grabbed within a few seconds.
We will again make twenty 4 person team slots available for “Early Bird” registration. The cost for these slots is N$ 20 000 (instead of N$ 10 000). The extra N$ 10 000 per entry will go towards a charitable cause or project. he early bird donors will decide where the money goes.
These early bird slots are available with immediate effect and will close on the 18th of June. Any interested parties please contact Johan at
Best regards